Elections committee suspends election of two more MPs, seeks more time on fate of NISA acting boss

Monday December 06, 2021 - 23:16:37 in News In English by Xarunta Dhexe
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    Elections committee suspends election of two more MPs, seeks more time on fate of NISA acting boss

    The Federal Indirect Elections Team has suspended the election of two MPs in South West state adding to three the number of seats now held back by the polls body.

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The Federal Indirect Elections Team has suspended the election of two MPs in South West state adding to three the number of seats now held back by the polls body.

The Team announced Friday that seats 103 and 154 now stand suspended pending a determination by the Dispute Resolution Committee.
South West state Public Works Minister Mohamed Ali Hassan was elected as MP for seat 103 which former Lower House speaker Mohamed Jawari claimed he was locked out from contesting.

Saredo Mohamed Abdalla was elected MP for seat 154. An allegedly underage candidate had contested alongside Saredo.

The Dispute Resolution Committee said Friday it needed ten more days to deliver the verdict on the seat won by acting NationalIntelligence and Security Agency (NISA) Yasin Farey.

The committee had suspended seat on November 26.
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