Mogadishu-Nairobi Direct Flights Hurt Wajir Airport

Friday April 14, 2017 - 08:13:55 in News In English by Xarunta Dhexe
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    Mogadishu-Nairobi Direct Flights Hurt Wajir Airport

    Wajir Airport in Northern Kenya is staring at over Ksh 2 million ($20,000) losses in monthly revenue following the resumption of direct flights between Mogadishu and Nairobi.In an interview with the Nation, the airport manager Charles Kiong'a sa

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Wajir Airport in Northern Kenya is staring at over Ksh 2 million ($20,000) losses in monthly revenue following the resumption of direct flights between Mogadishu and Nairobi.In an interview with the Nation, the airport manager Charles Kiong'a said that the directive would have a huge economical impact on the facility, which was dependent on planes from Mogadishu for its revenue. He said that the airport collected Ksh531,300 ($5,131) weekly from the planes which amounted to Ksh2,125,200 ($21,252) monthly in terms of income.

Juba airways, African Express East Africa, Safari Express, Freedom Airline, Oceanic and Fan Jet Express craft used to land at the airport before proceeding to Nairobi.The move to resume direct flights followed a state visit by the newly -elected Somalia President Mohammed Farmajo to Kenya where he reached the agreement with his host President Uhuru Kenyatta. The move is aimed at strengthening diplomatic and trade ties between the two countries.Initially, planes from Mogadishu had to pass through Wajir for security checks and screening before proceeding to Nairobi, after a directive by former President Mwai Kibaki, informed by the growing threat of terror attacks on Kenya by the al Qaeda -linked terror group the al Shabaab.

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