Kenya threatens to cut off humanitarian flights to Somalia over 'violation of existing ban'

Monday May 31, 2021 - 19:20:15 in News In English by Xarunta Dhexe
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    Kenya threatens to cut off humanitarian flights to Somalia over 'violation of existing ban'

    Kenya has threatened to stop humanitarian flights to and from Somalia over what it termed as a violation of the existing ban on flights between the two countries.

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Kenya has threatened to stop humanitarian flights to and from Somalia over what it termed as a violation of the existing ban on flights between the two countries.

In a letter dated May 27 seen by HOL, the ministry of foreign affairs said some diplomatic missions and international organizations were abusing the exemption noting it would take action should the violation continue.

"The Ministry however regards to inform that it has noticed the misuse of humanitarian flights for bilateral and political matters contrary to the NOTAM and public notice to Missions that air communication between Kenya and Somalia had been stood down," the letter addressed to foreign missions in Nairobi read in part.

Kenya affirmed that its airspace with Somalia remains closed owing to severance of diplomatic relations between the two countries.
Kenya announced early this month the closure of its airspace with Somalia but exempted humanitarian and medical evacuation flights.

The ban which lasts until August came barely a week after Somalia announced it had restored diplomatic relations with Kenya.

The two countries have been at loggerheads in recent years over the maritime case and accusations by Somalia that Kenya was interfering with its internal affairs.

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