Ethiopia Accused by Somalia President of Annexation Attempt through Somaliland Sea Agreement

0 in Wararka by Xarunta Dhexe
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    Ethiopia Accused by Somalia President of Annexation Attempt through Somaliland Sea Agreement

    Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud alleged on Saturday that Ethiopia is attempting to seize a portion of his country's land by entering into a maritime access agreement with the autonomous region of Somaliland.

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Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud alleged on Saturday that Ethiopia is attempting to seize a portion of his country's land by entering into a maritime access agreement with the autonomous region of Somaliland.

Mohamud stated to journalists, "The pact inked between Ethiopia and Somaliland on Jan. 1 amounts to the annexation of Somali territory by Ethiopia and the alteration of Somalia's borders. Somalia vehemently opposes this."

The specific terms of the agreement have not been disclosed by either party, but it seems to entail Ethiopia's permission to construct a port in Somaliland in return for diplomatic recognition. Despite Somaliland's effective independence for thirty years, Somalia still asserts its sovereignty over the region.

Mohamud asserted that high-ranking officers from Ethiopia's military were present in Somaliland, allegedly laying the groundwork for its annexation. However, his claim could not be independently verified.

Somalia has hinted at the possibility of resorting to military action to prevent Ethiopia from establishing a port in Somaliland.

Nevertheless, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed downplayed concerns of armed conflict arising from the Somaliland agreement, stating earlier in the month to lawmakers that he harbors no intention of engaging in warfare with Somalia.

Mohamud, who was visiting Addis Ababa to attend an African Union summit, accused Ethiopian security forces of attempting to restrict his movements from his hotel on Saturday morning, compelling him to travel in the convoy of Djibouti's president.

Upon their arrival at the AU headquarters, armed guards purportedly attempted to block their entry into the building, an action Mohamud condemned as "provocative."

Ethiopia has yet to formally respond to these allegations.

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