Huge Fire Breaks Out In Mogadishu's Bakara Market

Saturday April 22, 2017 - 01:36:14 in News In English by Xarunta Dhexe
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    Huge Fire Breaks Out In Mogadishu's Bakara Market

    Source : Goobjoog News - 124 Words Traders at the Bakaro market in Mogadishu today woke up to losses after a fire razed down property worth millions. The fire is said to have started at 5.00 am . Residential houses that border the said market were

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Source : Goobjoog News - 124 Words Traders at the Bakaro market in Mogadishu today woke up to losses after a fire razed down property worth millions. The fire is said to have started at 5.00 am . Residential houses that border the said market were also affected by the dawn inferno. According to the traders, the cause of the fire is still unknown. Mogadishu firefighters arrived at the scene and are trying to put out the fire. In the recent months, similar fire destroyed businesses and goods in the market at different times. Mogadishu's largest market,

has expanded since the 1991 ousting of strongman Mohamed Siad Barre plunged the Horn of Africa nation into anarchy. Thousands of Mogadishu’s residents depend on the commercial activities in Bakara market.
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