HirShabelle Welcomes Khat Traders

Saturday April 22, 2017 - 01:36:14 in News In English by Xarunta Dhexe
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    HirShabelle Welcomes Khat Traders

    Source: Hiiraan Online - 90 Words Six planes carrying Khat have yesterday landed in Jowhar which are some of the planes diverted from the Aden Adde International Airport. The decision for the planes to land in Jowhar was taken after traders oppose

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Source: Hiiraan Online - 90 Words Six planes carrying Khat have yesterday landed in Jowhar which are some of the planes diverted from the Aden Adde International Airport. The decision for the planes to land in Jowhar was taken after traders opposed heavy tax imposed on the importation of the drug in Mogadishu.

In a press release, the Hirshabelle administration has welcomed investors to the new regional administration. In the statement, the administration said it will welcome all investors to their region with open hands, and it seen as a move to encourage the Khat traders.
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