HirShabelle says will boycott electoral talks in Mogadishu, gives no reason

Sunday June 27, 2021 - 23:46:17 in News In English by Xarunta Dhexe
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    HirShabelle says will boycott electoral talks in Mogadishu, gives no reason

    HirShabelle state will not be taking part in the upcoming electoral talks between Prime Minister Mohamed Roble and Federal Member State presidents, a statement from the state notes.

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HirShabelle state will not be taking part in the upcoming electoral talks between Prime Minister Mohamed Roble and Federal Member State presidents, a statement from the state notes.

newinsideWithout citing any reasons for skipping the talks, the state, led by President Ali Gudlawe said it will not be participating in the talks but still committed to the September 2020 and the May 2021 Agreements on the upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections.

"Hirshabelle Government declares that it is not part of the meeting of the National Consultative Council of the Federal Government, the Member States and the Benadir Regional Administration that will open tomorrow in Mogadishu,” the statement read in part.

In effect, Gudlawe’s government said, "the outcome will not matter to the Hirshabelle government.

It was not immediately clear why HirShabelle, which has been in good books with the Federal

Government decided to skip the talks. President Gudlawe has been in Turkey in the past week.

The talks which aim to evaluate progress since the May 27 signing of the agreement are expected to kick off on Monday.

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