Three people killed in car bomb attack in Mogadishu

Wednesday May 05, 2021 - 16:31:11 in News In English by Xarunta Dhexe
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    Three people killed in car bomb attack in Mogadishu

    Three people were killed and another one injured in Mogadishu Wednesday following a car bomb attack.

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Three people were killed and another one injured in Mogadishu Wednesday following a car bomb attack.

Sources told a Surf car model hit an improvised explosive device (IED) in Khada district in Mogadishu resulting in deaths and injuries.
The vehicle was adversely destroyed while three occupants including the driver died on the spot.

There was no immediate comment from the police and neither was there a claim of responsibility.

The attack today adds to an increasing number of targeted car bomb attacks in Mogadishu.

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