International community calls on Somalia's leaders to adhere to electoral schedule, avoid violence

Tuesday January 11, 2022 - 18:19:30 in News In English by Xarunta Dhexe
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    International community calls on Somalia's leaders to adhere to electoral schedule, avoid violence

    (HOL) - The international community called on Somalia's leaders to adhere to the agreed decisions made at the recent National Consultative Council meeting, which promised to deliver credible elections by February 25.

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(HOL) - The international community called on Somalia's leaders to adhere to the agreed decisions made at the recent National Consultative Council meeting, which promised to deliver credible elections by February 25.

In the joint statement signed by most of Somalia’s international partners, they called on Somalia’s leaders to refrain from political provocations that could threaten the tentative electoral process.

"We call on all Somali political leaders to put the national interest first, prioritize the conclusion of an electoral process broadly accepted by Somalia’s people, and avoid provocations that may distract from that process and increase the risk of confrontation or even violence. All leaders must ensure that security forces are not used as political instruments.”

The US Embassy in Mogadishu also called on Somalia’s leaders to refrain from violence and the politicization of the security sector.

"Provocations that might distract from the process must be avoided, and security forces must remain neutral.”

Prime Minister Mohamed Roble and six FMS leaders agreed to complete parliamentary elections during a series of meetings held between January 3-9.

On Monday evening, Somalia’s President said that we welcomed the NCC’s communique.

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