South West state elects seven MPs in Barawe amidst mortar shells attacks

Wednesday February 09, 2022 - 23:39:25 in News In English by Xarunta Dhexe
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    South West state elects seven MPs in Barawe amidst mortar shells attacks

    Seven MPs were today elected in Barawe today for South West state amidst mortar shells attacks that killed at least one person.

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Seven MPs were today elected in Barawe today for South West state amidst mortar shells attacks that killed at least one person.

The exercise saw the election of two women. The election which was a first to be conducted outside the Federal Member State headquarters was however threatened by attacks after mortar shells landed at neighborhoods near the elections centre.

The following persons were elected as MPs today in Barawe:
Salim Alihow Ibrow

Yusuf Adan Mohamed

Maryan Mohamed Ali

Hussein Ali Haji

Abdullahi Omar Abshir

Farhia Mohamed Abdi

Abdullahi Hussein Ali

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