Somalia: Chinese navy forces carry out anti-pirate exercise

Tuesday December 27, 2011 - 07:07:09 in News In English by Xarunta Dhexe
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    Somalia: Chinese navy forces carry out anti-pirate exercise

    December 26 marks the 3rd anniversary of escort missions by the Chinese navy along the Gulf of Aden and Somalia seas. On Sunday, the tenth escort team has carried out anti-pirate exercises, while on their 404th mission.

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December 26 marks the 3rd anniversary of escort missions by the Chinese navy along the Gulf of Aden and Somalia seas. On Sunday, the tenth escort team has carried out anti-pirate exercises, while on their 404th mission. These 8 cargo ships from countries including China, Malaysia and Liberia, set sail from the the Gulf of Aden’s western seas. They are escorted by the Chinese Navy.

Meanwhile, a helicopter caring another group and camera man, hovered 15 meters above, allowing the fighters to slide onto the decks to carry out a comprehensive search and ambush the “hijackers”.

Zhuo Li, deputy director of Office of China Maritime Search and Rescue Center, said, “The escort campaign guarantees safety of ships, their property and crew. They can feel secure with the navy convoy around. ”

Over the past three years, the navy has successfully escorted nearly 4,380 ships, and rescued 55 ships from emergency situations. They have ensured full safety of the escorted ships and personnel.
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