Samsung Electronics apologises to Chinese consumers

Thursday October 24, 2013 - 07:55:28 in News In English by Web Admin
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    Samsung Electronics apologises to Chinese consumers

    Samsung Electronics has apologised to Chinese consumers after a report carried on China's state TV claimed some of its phones were malfunctioning.

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Samsung Electronics has apologised to Chinese consumers after a report carried on China's state TV claimed some of its phones were malfunctioning.

The report alleged the phones were crashing due to faulty memory chips and criticised its repair policies.

Samsung, which generates nearly 14% of its overall revenue from China. said it will provide free repairs for the seven models mentioned in the report.

Samsung is the latest foreign firm to be criticised in the Chinese media.

The South Korean firm said in statement that it "sincerely apologises" to Chinese consumers for inconveniences caused by the company's "management problems" and that it welcomed the media scrutiny.

The models mentioned in the China Central Television (CCTV) report, which was aired earlier this week, include the Galaxy S3 and the Note2 phones.

Growing scrutiny

China is the world's second largest economy and the most populous country,

The combination of a growing economy, rising income levels and a large consumer base has made it a key market for leading global firms.

However, as foreign companies continue to grow their business in China, they have come under increased scrutiny.

Earlier this week, a separate report on CCTV claimed that Starbucks, the world's largest coffee chain, was charging higher prices in China than in other major markets.

It alleged that Starbucks earned higher margins in China due to its pricing.

In April, Apple's chief executive Tim Cook apologised to Chinese consumers following two weeks of battering by state-owned media over its repair and warranty policies,

The media accused the firm of arrogance, greed and of "throwing its weight around".

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