Ugaas Hassan Ugaas Khalif Opposes HirShabelle State Formation

Monday October 24, 2016 - 21:58:31 in News In English by Xafiiska Muqdisho
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    Ugaas Hassan Ugaas Khalif Opposes HirShabelle State Formation

    In a public speaking engagement in Beledweyne, Hiiraan on Saturday, Ugaas Hassan said that he is opposed to the newly formed state of HirShabelle.

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In a public speaking engagement in Beledweyne, Hiiraan on Saturday, Ugaas Hassan said that he is opposed to the newly formed state of HirShabelle.

In a recent meeting with the new president of HirShabelle, the clan elder said they discussed issues affecting the surrounding communities and not about "political matters”. 

He also told the crowd that they were largely left out of the political process.

”We were barred from selecting our members of parliament and our rights. 

The world should know this. 

We were not told how many members we shall have in the upper house.”

He argued that Hiiraan as one of the oldest regions of the country should be same number of representatives in Parliament as member states. 

He is opposed to splitting the 8 seats. 

'When Somalia got independence in 1960, Hiiraan was a region while Jowhar was a district. 

Can the people of Hiiraan be convinced with Hiiraan 4 (seats), Jowhar 4 (seats) ? It is impossible. 

It is something far from justice".

He vowed not to go to Jowhar and without mentioning any names specifically, however he added that those who are creating instability in the area are known. 

"We shall know who would be responsible of the outcome. Peace was rejected; uniting the people was rejected; someone is uniting the people and another is disuniting them. 

Today, October 22nd, history will remember something'. Ugaas Hassan said.

Ugaas Hassan also criticized journalists who have falsely reported about his whereabouts saying that it is illegal to knowingly publish false information. 

"It has gone to the extent where people say Ugaas Hassan landed in Jowhar and Mogadishu while I am still in the middle of Beledweyne. 

I am telling the world that I have not travelled out of Beledweyne". 

He urged the people of Beledweyne to uphold peace in the region and to work towards a solution to "redeem their rights” saying that "if there is no peace, there is no life.”
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