Madobe warns country sliding to 'dangerous place' as unease builds in Mogadishu

Saturday April 17, 2021 - 20:19:11 in News In English by Xarunta Dhexe
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    Madobe warns country sliding to 'dangerous place' as unease builds in Mogadishu

    Jubbaland President Ahmed Madobe has warned that the country was heading to a 'dangerous place' following the move by the Lower House of the Federal Parliament to extend the term of president Mohamed Farmaajo.

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Jubbaland President Ahmed Madobe has warned that the country was heading to a 'dangerous place' following the move by the Lower House of the Federal Parliament to extend the term of president Mohamed Farmaajo.

Madobe said the tensions being witnessed currently in Mogadishu were a clear indication of a slide into instability warning that Farmaajo ‘must be stopped’.

"If people failed to stop Farmaajo from what he is doing now, he will steer the country into a dangerous path,” Madobe said. He warned that the situation in Mogadishu was fast deteriorating.

The remarks come amid a flurry of activity in Mogadishu as relations between the opposition and the federal government worsen by the day.
Meanwhile sacked Banaadir regional police boss Sadak Omar John moved to his base in Shirkole area in Hodan district Friday amid a fragile situation in the city.

Militias allied to the former police head dug trenches around their base as reports noted the embattled former policeman was receiving reinforcements from the Lower Shabelle region.

Madobe and his Puntland counterpart Abdullahi Deni are expected to issue a joint position on Farmaajo’s term extension. Deni is today meeting the state parliament in a closed-door session a day after meeting clan elders.

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