Mogadishu military court jails six policemen for killing district commissioner

Tuesday May 18, 2021 - 13:19:08 in News In English by Xarunta Dhexe
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    Mogadishu military court jails six policemen for killing district commissioner

    Six policemen were sentenced to between two and five years on Tuesday by a military court in Mogadishu for the murder of Hodan District Commissioner Abdihakim Dhagajun early this year.

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Six policemen were sentenced to between two and five years on Tuesday by a military court in Mogadishu for the murder of Hodan District Commissioner Abdihakim Dhagajun early this year.

The court ruled that Howlwadaag district police commandant Col. Shuaib Abdi Mohamed masterminded the shooting dead of Dhagajuun on January 21 at Aden Adde road junction located between Howlwadaag and Warta Nabada districts.

Col. Shuaib was sentenced to five years in jail while another officer, Bashir Ahmed Abdi, received a similar jail term. According to the court, Jamal Isaq Ali, Dhiblawe Ibrahim Yusuf, Farah Sabriye Afrah and Kulmi Kariye Ali, all members of the Somali Police Force, will serve a two-year jail term.
Dhagaajun had just arrived in Mogadishu from Turkey, where he had undergone treatment when he was shot dead.

The deceased had survived a car bomb attack and was flown to Turkey for treatment, only to be killed upon returning home.

The attack's motive remained unclear, but the prosecution told the court the deceased official had been killed intentionally.

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