Joint US-Somali Military Operation Targets al-Shabab Militants in Lower Jubba Region

0 in Wararka by Xarunta Dhexe
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    Joint US-Somali Military Operation Targets al-Shabab Militants in Lower Jubba Region

    In a recent military collaboration, the Somali National Army joined forces with the United States military to conduct a targeted airstrike in the Lower Jubba region. The operation resulted in the precise elimination of at least four al-Shabab militan

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In a recent military collaboration, the Somali National Army joined forces with the United States military to conduct a targeted airstrike in the Lower Jubba region. The operation resulted in the precise elimination of at least four al-Shabab militants. This strategic strike unfolded approximately 45 km north of Kismayo, the interim administrative capital of the Jubbaland regional government.

The federal government, in an official statement on Monday, emphasized the success of the mission, highlighting that no civilian casualties were reported during the operation. This joint effort reflects the ongoing commitment to counter-terrorism in the region.

This recent military action follows a notable achievement in December of the previous year when the Somali National Army, with crucial support from US forces, successfully neutralized Maalim Ayman, a key leader of the al-Shabaab terror group. The US Department of State's Rewards for Justice (RFJ) program had previously offered a substantial reward of up to $10 million for information leading to the arrest or conviction of Ayman.

Maalim Ayman, identified as the mastermind behind the January 5, 2020, terror attack on the Manda Bay Airfield in Kenya's coastal region of Lamu, was the leader of Jaysh Ayman, an al-Shabaab unit responsible for orchestrating terror attacks and operations in both Kenya and Somalia.

The recent joint airstrike exemplifies the ongoing collaboration between the Somali National Army and the US military in targeting key leaders and operatives within the al-Shabab militant group. These coordinated efforts aim to enhance regional security and stability by disrupting the activities of the extremist organization.

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