University Lecturer Admits Allegiance to al-Shabab Faction

0 in Wararka by Xarunta Dhexe
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    University Lecturer Admits Allegiance to al-Shabab Faction

    A former instructor at the Somali National University and a renowned poet, Nageye Ali Khalif, reappeared on Wednesday night following a three-month absence. He made his debut on Alfurqaan media, which is linked with the al-Shabaab faction.

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A former instructor at the Somali National University and a renowned poet, Nageye Ali Khalif, reappeared on Wednesday night following a three-month absence. He made his debut on Alfurqaan media, which is linked with the al-Shabaab faction.

During a one-hour conversation, Khalif disclosed that he had formally aligned himself with the al-Shabaab faction, expressing his enduring contentment with their ideology.

He elucidated that his belief in the ideology of al-Shabab dates back to 2017 when he moved from Somaliland to Mogadishu. Prior to affiliating with the faction, he was impressed by their activities.

Meanwhile, Somali security authorities launched an inquiry into Khalif's whereabouts in October. However, the Somali National University, where Khalif served as an instructor, chose not to provide any commentary on his situation.

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