Two officers killed, 12 injured after al Shabaab ambush in Mandera

Sunday December 05, 2021 - 00:24:55 in News In English by Xarunta Dhexe
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    Two officers killed, 12 injured after al Shabaab ambush in Mandera

    Mandera, Kenya (HOL)- Two police officers were on Saturday, December 4, shot dead by suspected Al Shabaab militants while 12 others were injuries following an ambush on a police lorry.

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Mandera, Kenya (HOL)- Two police officers were on Saturday, December 4, shot dead by suspected Al Shabaab militants while 12 others were injuries following an ambush on a police lorry.

In an interview with Hiiraan Online, North Eastern Region police boss Rono Bunei said that the police lorry of registration number GKB 954T from Rhamu to Mandera town when Al shabab militants attacked, 40 kilometres from Mandera town.

North Eastern regional police commander Rono Bunei confirmed the incident and said a reinforcement had been sent to the ground to pursue the attackers.
"The injured were airlifted to Nairobi where they are admitted, other officers are currently combing the area in pursuit of the militants,” Bunei told Hiiraan Online via phone.

The report further revealed the names of officers who sustained injuries on the head, stomach, back and hips.

They were identified as Seargeant Benard Kariuki, Police Constables; Geoffrey Matayo, Andrew Kibrogon Rono, Murithi Kenneth, Charles Nyaga, Ian Kibui, Jabril Kassim, Martin Amukule, Fredrick Samanyo and Ronald Bett.

The area near the Somalia-Kenya border, militants usually cross at will and stage attacks before escaping back.

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