Somali President: "Dr Osman Mohammud Dufle's Nomination for a Nobel Prize in Recognition of his Humanitarian Work is an Inspiration to All Somalis." (IMAGES)

Friday June 20, 2014 - 01:39:21 in News In English by Web Admin
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    Somali President: "Dr Osman Mohammud Dufle's Nomination for a Nobel Prize in Recognition of his Humanitarian Work is an Inspiration to All Somalis." (IMAGES)

    Mogadishu, 19 June, 2014- His Excellency President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud today paid a surprise visit to a meeting in Mogadishu that had been organized by MPs and members of the public. During the visit he met with Dr Osman Mohammud Dufle, who was rec

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Mogadishu, 19 June, 2014- His Excellency President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud today paid a surprise visit to a meeting in Mogadishu that had been organized by MPs and members of the public. During the visit he met with Dr Osman Mohammud Dufle, who was recently nominated for a Noble Prize and, during a short speech which he gave the assembled citizens, he said: "Dr Osman Mohammud Dufle's nomination for a Nobel Prize in recognition of his humanitarian work is an inspiration to all Somalis."

H.E. the President continued, saying: "Dr Osman Mohammud Dufle stayed in Somalia throughout the years of lawlessness and provided humanitarian assistance on a voluntary basis in the Keysaney Hospital. He saw the results of bloodshed constantly including the horrific attack on December 3rd, 2009 on a group of graduating medical students. He never wavered in providing assistance to the people without any bias and he was one of the founders of the Joint Medical Committee, an organisation that crossed divides and epitomised the motto of Somali doctors, ‘Medical Service for all.’ ”

HE the President concluded: "Dr Osman Mohammud Dofle is an inspiration and his selflessness and dedication is an example to us all. He shows us that, despite the images we see and the stories we hear, good Somalis carried on throughout the troubled times and they continue their good work now, as security and stability return to the country.”


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