President Mohamud: I am Hopeful That The Somali People Would Give Me Another Chance

Tuesday July 12, 2016 - 14:50:27 in News In English by Xafiiska Muqdisho
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    President Mohamud: I am Hopeful That The Somali People Would Give Me Another Chance

    The outgoing Somali President, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, has indicated his willingness to keep his seat, hoping that the Somali people will give him one more chance to serve for them come September 2016 presidential elections.

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The outgoing Somali President, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, has indicated his willingness to keep his seat, hoping that the Somali people will give him one more chance to serve for them come September 2016 presidential elections.

Mr. Mohamud, whose four-year tenure at the helm of the country’s top political office comes to an end on September 10, 2016, which gives him about two more months to spare before the September vote, claimed that he remains the undisputed choice to lead the country into peaceful and prosperous future.

However, the incumbent president stressed that the decision of who becomes the next head of state significantly rests with Somali people, despite the fact that the members of the upcoming parliament will, indeed, decide the fate of the next Villa Somalia occupant once again. 

Speaking on his prospect to remain on the hot seat, President Mohamud indicated that he is optimistic about the future, adding that he will always be humbled to serve his nation if he gets the privilege to finish the exceptionally magnificent task he started about four years ago.

Appearing on a one on one interview with London-based Universal TV, Mohamud was asked few probing questions, such as if he could predict the result of the forthcoming presidential race, and who he feels as his closest challenger among the contestants. 

President chose not to be dragged into a tricky prediction saga, but opted for rather diplomatic remarks, that he anticipates a free and fair electoral process, no matter the outcome. 

Although the current president managed to restore the country’s image on the international scene to some extent, many people believe that he utterly failed to expand his authority beyond the capital city. 

Nevertheless, the fact of the matter remains that whoever comes out victorious in the coming electoral race will have a huge task on his hands.

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