Somali Security forces arrested nearly ten suspected Al-Shabaab militants

Sunday July 17, 2016 - 12:38:51 in News In English by Xafiiska Muqdisho
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    Somali Security forces arrested nearly ten suspected Al-Shabaab militants

    Mohamed Abdi Hayir (Mareye), the Minister of Information, Culture & Tourism of the Federal Government of Somalia paised the efforts of Somali forces and AMISOM for their continual defeat against terrorists groups in Somalia.

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Mohamed Abdi Hayir (Mareye), the Minister of Information, Culture & Tourism of the Federal Government of Somalia paised the efforts of Somali forces and AMISOM for their continual defeat against terrorists groups in Somalia.

H.E. Mohamed Abdi Hayir (Mareye), the Minister of Information, Culture & Tourism today speaking with media praised the efforts of security forces to defeat Al-Shabaab militants, as recent security operation in Lower Shabelle was very successful. 

The Minister said "Yesterday, 16 July, our national army, accompanied by African forces (AMISOM) conducted operations and recaptured four Al-Shabaab bases, including an illegal detention centre and administrative building in Beled Amin, Lower Shabelle region of Somalia.”

The Minister continued to say that security forces will continue their operation in order to eliminate the threat posed by terrorists groups in Somalia. 

The Minister speaking on the arrested militias said "The operation resulted in our security forces arresting nearly ten suspected al-Shabaab terrorists.”

Minister Mareye stated the importance of Somali security forces helping needy people during operation and said "Somali forces retaken the buildings and disturbed al-Shabaab’s operations with no resistence. 

Our forces also conducted awareness and humanitarian needs meetings with nearby village elders and passed out much needed medical supplies to the community.”

The illegal detention station in Beled Amin was used to terrorize and illegally tax the people of the town. Al-Shabaab works to strike fear in the local people, yet they run in fear of the SNA and AMISOM. 

This is definitely a victory for our forces and for the people of Lower Shabelle. This yet again proves the SNA is a strong military force prepared to take the fight to al-Shabaab.

Akhrise hoos kadhiibo fikirkaaga

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