Lessons Learnt Workshop for the 206/17 Somalia Electoral Process held in Nairobi

Wednesday August 29, 2018 - 03:03:51 in News In English by Xarunta Dhexe
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    Lessons Learnt Workshop for the 206/17 Somalia Electoral Process held in Nairobi

    August, 27 2018, SOSCENSA, PUNSAA and Somalia National Independent Electoral Commission with the support of Saferworld organized and held a one day workshop for the 2016/17 Somalia Electoral Process Lessons Learnt which took place at Jacaranda Hotel

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August, 27 2018, SOSCENSA, PUNSAA and Somalia National Independent Electoral Commission with the support of Saferworld organized and held a one day workshop for the 2016/17 Somalia Electoral Process Lessons Learnt which took place at Jacaranda Hotel on today 27/08/2018. the workshop attended by representatives from platforms, key civil society members, NIEC, representatives from the office of the president, office of the prime minister, the ministry of the constitution and also representatives from the international community including the EU, DANIDA.

The event was officially opened by NIEC Chairperson Ms Halima Ibrahim, who mentioned that the objective of the workshop is to exchange lessons learnt from the 2016/17 elections, also Saferwolrd Somalia Country Director addressed at the event thanked the participants for their presence at the event.
Platform’s PGP Project Coordinators presented a brief presentation about SOSCENSA/PUNSAA 2016/17 Election Observation Mission that produced a comprehensive report stating all issue happened in those elections.

After the presentation, two panel sessions were conducted, one related with the reflections on the 2016/17 electoral process and the preparation of the 2020/21 elections, the other one was discussions on the way forward for Somalia Elections.

The 2016/17 Somalia electoral process lessons learnt, were concluded with achieving its set goals, participants underlined that CSO is key actor to ensure holding fair and fairness elections in 2010/21 . International donors were requested t support the platforms in order to contribute transparent elections in 2020/21.

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