Millions in Aid Funds Disappear from Church Aid in Somalia

Friday February 16, 2024 - 19:37:49 in Wararka by Xarunta Dhexe
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    Millions in Aid Funds Disappear from Church Aid in Somalia

    Church Aid's Endeavor to Support Youth Education in Somalia Marred by Extensive Deception – Millions of Norwegian Aid Funds Vanish Without a Trace

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Church Aid's Endeavor to Support Youth Education in Somalia Marred by Extensive Deception – Millions of Norwegian Aid Funds Vanish Without a Trace

Back in 2010, Church Aid (KN) launched a humanitarian venture with the aim of offering vocational education to Somali youth, providing them with prospects for employment and an avenue away from crime, piracy, or extremism. However, this noble initiative has been tainted by an alarming case of fraud, resulting in the disappearance of over 10 million Norwegian aid kroner.

The scale of the deceit unfolded over several years, leaving the organization grappling with the loss. The Norwegian Police Security Service (PST), called in after a request from Norad, has raised concerns that the misused funds may have been channeled into terrorist financing. Norad, in response, has expressed strong criticism of Church Aid's management of the situation, adhering to Norway's stringent principle of zero tolerance for corruption.

The program aimed to equip youth with skills in trades such as carpentry, electrical work, and cosmetology, while also nurturing budding entrepreneurs. Yet, neither Norad nor Church Aid has a comprehensive record of those who benefited from the initiative.

In the aftermath of the scandal, Norad has demanded that Church Aid repay 4.7 million kroner, reflecting the amount of public aid funds believed to have been misappropriated according to Norad's internal audit.

Arne Næss-Holm, Church Aid's Head of International Affairs, acknowledged the severity of the situation, expressing regret for the organization's failure to detect the fraud earlier. In an email to Panorama, Næss-Holm admitted shortcomings in handling the crisis, stressing the importance of accountability and enhanced oversight to prevent such incidents in the future

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