The Role of Somalia for the third Turkey-Africa Summit in Istanbul

Saturday January 08, 2022 - 19:03:23 in News In English by Xarunta Dhexe
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    The Role of Somalia for the third Turkey-Africa Summit in Istanbul

    The -Turkey-Africa partnership was formalized within the 2008 Istanbul summit, amid which two result reports were embraced, to be specific the Istanbul statement and the framework for cooperation.

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The -Turkey-Africa partnership was formalized within the 2008 Istanbul summit, amid which two result reports were embraced, to be specific the Istanbul statement and the framework for cooperation.

The moment Africa-Turkey summit took put in November 2014 in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea.

The summit received the Malabo Declaration, the Africa-Turkey joint implementation arrange and the network of the key need ventures covering trade and investment, peace and security, culture, tourism and education,youth strengthening and innovation exchange, rural economy and agribusiness, infrastructure: Energy, ICT and transport as well as other subjects such as healthcare and media.

The joint execution arranges and the framework of key need ventures constituted a road map to upgrade the participation between Turkey and the African Union. Africa -Turkey participation amplifies to what is being done with the African Union at a multilateral level and with person African nations at the respective level.

Third Turkey-Africa Partnership Summit promises win-win solutions

The third Turkey-Africa Partnership Summit is assembly in Istanbul. The two-day summit, facilitated by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, is anticipated to dispatch a modern arrange in Turkey’s relations with the African Union and African nations, according to Turkey’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA).

Meetings between senior authorities started on 16 December.

The two-day summit motivation "will incorporate investigating the participation between Turkey and African nations since the moment summit and drawing a system for the partnership prepare within the period ahead,” according to 3rd Turkey-Africa Organization Summit Coordinator Ambassador Can İncesu.

"The Third Turkey-Africa Partnership Summit will give guidelines for our cooperation with Africa for another 5-year period. Portion of the projects to be chosen within the Summit will concern our private sector directly,” he says.

According to the AU, the Summit is anticipated to embrace a "Turkey-Africa Partnership Joint Activity Plan 2021-2026″ containing concrete activities to be actualized mutually by Turkey, the AU and its part states.

It is anticipated to cover the following areas: Peace, security and governance; trade, investment and industry; education, STI skills, youth and women’s development; infrastructure improvement and agriculture.

The Role of Somalia for the third Africa-Turkey Cooperation Summit in Istanbul

Istanbul, December 17, 2021; The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, HE Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, who is on a working visit to the Turkey-Africa Cooperation Conference in Istanbul, met with his Turkish counterpart, HE Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

The two Presidents discussed the strengthening of friendly relations and deep cooperation between Somalia and Turkey, as well as the acceleration of previous plans for cooperation in the areas of security, education, health, economy, investment and development, and the launch of further initiatives. as part of a new partnership plan between Africa and Turkey.

President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo shared with his Turkish counterpart the achievements of the Federal Government of Somalia in stabilizing the country, rebuilding security institutions, boosting the economy, debt consolidation process, counter-terrorism and infrastructure development.

The two Presidents reaffirmed the importance of the two countries' development of cooperation based on the interests of the two nations and the need to enhance relations between Africa and Turkey. He lauded the significant achievements of the Somali people and government and encouraged Somali entrepreneurs to market their products in Turkey.

President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo thanked the President and the people of the Republic of Turkey for their brotherly support to the people and government of Somalia, and pointed out that the Turkish government is a close and strategic friend of Somalia, as the two Presidents offered Friday prayers together. and blessed them.

The President was accompanied by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation HE Abdi Said Muse Ali, the Director General of the National Presidency HE Mohamed Abdullahi Isse, our Ambassador to Turkey HE Jama Abdullahi Aideed and Director Abdisalam Saleban Kodar.

Source, Hiiraan
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