Somalia government spokesman wounded in blast in capital: Reports

Sunday January 16, 2022 - 18:09:58 in News In English by Xarunta Dhexe
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    Somalia government spokesman wounded in blast in capital: Reports

    Somalia's government spokesperson was wounded on Sunday in an explosion in the capital suspected to have been set off by a suicide bomber, state-run media reported.

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Somalia's government spokesperson was wounded on Sunday in an explosion in the capital suspected to have been set off by a suicide bomber, state-run media reported.

A photographer at the scene of the explosion reported seeing body parts lying on the ground outside the house of Mohamed Ibrahim Moalimuu, who was rushed to a hospital.

State-run Somali National News Agency said the blast at a junction of a Mogadishu road was from a suicide bomber.

It was not immediately clear who was behind the attack.


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