
Man Arrested for Allegedly Setting Pregnant Wife Ablaze

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In a coordinated effort, Somali government forces arrested Sayid Ali Moalin Haji Daoud on Tuesday for a barbaric act against his pregnant wife, allegedly setting her on fire in late January. This appalling incident has sparked widespread outrage across Somalia.

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"Somaliya iyo Somaliland oo heshiiya, Itoobiya ayaa kow kufarxi doonta"

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Ra'iisul Wasaaraha Itoobiya Abiyi Axmed oo maanta hortagay Golaha Wakiilada Shacabka ee Itoobiya ayaa jawaabo ka bixiyay su'aalo ay wakiilada shacabku ka waydiiyeen heshiiskii is afgarad ee dhinaca Badda ahaa ee bil ka hor Itoobiya la gashay Somaliland.

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Misunderstood Words: Ilhan Omar's Speech Subject to Translation Error, Anger Endures

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In the aftermath of a misunderstood video featuring Ilhan Omar, certain extreme right House Republicans persist in demanding that the progressive lawmaker face censure. The fallout from this misinformation isn't confined to domestic borders.

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Mogadishu's Bakara Market Shaken by Mortar Strike, Casualties Still Unconfirmed

0 Visits: 251 |
Multiple mortar rounds impacted Mogadishu's Bakara market on Tuesday, resulting in unspecified casualties.

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Security Operation: Somalia Closes 14 Websites Allegedly Affiliated with al-Shabab

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Somalia's National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA) has taken decisive action by shutting down 14 news websites, accusing them of propagating the ideology and news of the al-Shabab militant group. This move comes hot on the heels of NISA's successful closure of 20 WhatsApp groups, which…

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Crisis in Cape Town: Somali Businessman Killed in Apparent Shooting

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The tragic incident involving the fatal shooting of Mohamed Ahmed Mohamud in Cape Town and the broader pattern of xenophobic violence against Somali immigrants in South Africa is deeply distressing. The loss of life, especially among Somali entrepreneurs, highlights a concerning security lapse and a…

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Trust is lost': Muslim voters unhappy with Labour's stance on Gaza war

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(Guardian) Walsall Central mosque. In November, eight Labour councillors in Walsall resigned over the party leader Keir Starmer's stance on Gaza. Photograph: Christopher Thomond/The Guardian

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Dagaaladi Gaza oo laga helayo Warar Cusub

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Waxaa shalay iyo xalay sii xoogeystay dadaallada caalamiga ah ee loogu jiro sidi loo heli lahaa xabad-joojin kale oo ka hirgasha Marinka Gaza, xilli ay wali ciidamada Isra'il sii wadaan duqeymaha iyo dagaalka culus ee ay ka waddaan Gaza.

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Ciidamada sida gaarka ah u tababaran ee Israa'iil oo gudaha u galay Isbitaalka Ibn Sina January 30, 2024 0

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Ciidamada sida gaarka ah u tababaran ee Israa'iil oo u labisan sida shaqaalaha caafimaadka, ayaa Talaadadii gudaha u galay Isbitaalka Ibn Sina ee ku yaalla magaalada la haysto ee Jenin ee daanta galbeed, waxayna dileen saddex nin oo Falastiini ah, sida ay sheegeen saraakiisha Israa'iil iyo Falastiiniyiinta.

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Somali President engages in talks on the Ethiopia-Somaliland conflict with the AU Chairman during a meeting in Rome.

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Against a backdrop of escalating tensions in the Horn of Africa, Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud engaged in a high-level meeting with the African Union Chairman and Comoros President Azali Assoumani during the Italy-Africa Summit in Rome.

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Madaxweyne Deni oo siyaasad cusub lasoo baxay

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Madaxweynaha Puntland Siciid Cabdullaahi Deni ayaa sheegay inuu magaalada Garowe dhigay gogol looga tashanayo marxaladda siyaasadeed ee Soomaaliya, wuxuuna sheegay inay kasoo qeyb galayaan dowladda federaalka iyo dowlad goboleedyada.

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Sirdoonka Qaranka oo gacanta kudhigay Shabakada cusub oo dadk baad ka qaadan jiray

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Hay'adda Nabadsugida iyo Sirdoonka Qaranka Soomaaliyeed ee NISA ayaa maanta shaacisay iney gacanta kusoo dhigtay koox ay sheegtay in dadka shacabka ah ku cabsi galin jirtay baraha Bulshada ee Internetka.

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Faahfaahin la xiriirta ninka xaaskiisa oo xaamilo ahayd ku gubay Muqdisho

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Dhacdo argagax leh ayaa xalay ka dhacaday degmada Dharkenley ee gobolka Banaadir, ka dib markii nin uu xaaskiisa nolosha ku gubay.

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Jürgen Klopp declares his choice to resign as the manager of Liverpool at the conclusion of the season.

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Jürgen Klopp has announced his decision to step down as the manager of Liverpool at the end of the current season. Following his communication with the club's ownership, Klopp, 56, will remain at the helm for the remaining fixtures of the 2023-24 campaign, concluding his highly successful eight-and-a-half-year…

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Ethiopia's Prosperity Party promises to convert the MoU with Somaliland into a 'realistic agreement.

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Following a four-day conference, Ethiopia's ruling Prosperity Party (PP) has committed to advancing its controversial Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Somaliland into a "practical agreement." This pledge, declared by the party's Executive and Central Committee members, has stirred…

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The government of Somalia embraces the ruling made by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in the case involving Israel's alleged genocide.

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The Somali government has welcomed the recent decision of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to assert its primary jurisdiction in investigating allegations of genocide committed by Israel in the Gaza Strip. In a statement released on Saturday, the government expressed its satisfaction with the…

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Hirshabeele oo iska xaadirisay finalka tartanka maamul goboleedyada Soomaaliya

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Waxaa goordhaw soo idlaatay ciyaar xiiso badan oo galabta ku dhexmartay garoonka Kubadda Cagta Muqdisho xulalka Hirshabeelle iyo Jubbaland.

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Joint US-Somali Military Operation Targets al-Shabab Militants in Lower Jubba Region

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In a recent military collaboration, the Somali National Army joined forces with the United States military to conduct a targeted airstrike in the Lower Jubba region. The operation resulted in the precise elimination of at least four al-Shabab militants. This strategic strike unfolded approximately 45…

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Askar katirsan Militariga Israa'iil oo weerar gaadmo lagu dilay

0 Visits: 149 |
Milatariga Israa'iil ayaa sheegay in 21 ka mid ahaa ciidamadooda lagu dilay Qasa. Tiradaan ayaana noqoneysa tii ugu badneyd tan iyo markii howgallada dhulka ay bilowdeen.

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Daily Egg Consumption: Benefits and Considerations for Your Health

0 Visits: 173 |
Eating one to two eggs per day can be a healthy and nutritious addition to your diet. Eggs are a good source of protein, vitamins, and nutrients that can be beneficial for your health. However, it's important to consume them in moderation.

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Norwegian Minister Sandra Borch Resigns Over Plagiarism Scandal in Master's Thesis

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It appears that Sandra Borch, the Minister of Research and Higher Education in Norway, has confirmed her resignation after admitting to copying others' text in her master's thesis. The news was brought to light by E24, which revealed that portions of Borch's thesis were identical to text…

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Ethiopia has expressed dissatisfaction with the global reaction to the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Somaliland, amidst escalating tensions in the Horn of Africa.

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In the midst of escalating tensions in the Horn of Africa, Ethiopia finds itself at the center of international scrutiny over its recent memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Somaliland. Redwan Hussien, National Security Advisor to Ethiopia's Prime Minister, has accused certain international actors…

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