Election For HirShabelle President To Be Held Today

Monday October 17, 2016 - 15:05:57 in News In English by Xafiiska Muqdisho
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    Election For HirShabelle President To Be Held Today

    The elections for the President of the newly formed HirShabelle state is set to be held in Jowhar today.

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The elections for the President of the newly formed HirShabelle state is set to be held in Jowhar today.

This follows after candidates for the seat of the President addressed the regional assembly. 

Those who are vying for the presidency of HirShabelle state include ; Mohamed Abdi Ware, Ali Abdullahi Osoble and Ali Mohamed Aarale.

The three candidates are all said to have huge financial assets. It is not easy to predict who will win the election but all the three candidates have outlined their vision for the new state yesterday.

Security has been tightened in the city of Jowhar . 

The AMISOM force commander and other officials arrived in the city yesterday to assess the security situation of Jowhar.

Akhrise hoos kadhiibo fikirkaaga

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