Deni rejects elders' proposal to leave some assets to sacked PSF boss

Wednesday December 08, 2021 - 23:06:11 in News In English by Xarunta Dhexe
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    Deni rejects elders' proposal to leave some assets to sacked PSF boss

    GAROWE (HOL) - Puntland President Abdullahi Deni has rejected a proposal by elders in Bari region to allow former Puntland Security forces commandant Mohamud Osman Diyano retain assets he used during his tenure in the force.

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GAROWE (HOL) - Puntland President Abdullahi Deni has rejected a proposal by elders in Bari region to allow former Puntland Security forces commandant Mohamud Osman Diyano retain assets he used during his tenure in the force.

Reacting to the proposal by the leders following a standoff that has persisted close to a month, Deni said the assets, including a house and vehicles, belonged to the state and not individual officers.

Deni described the decision of the elders as detrimental to the governance of Puntland, and that it encouraged corruption and looting of public property.


Deni immediately ordered the former Diyano to immediately hand over his responsibilities and all assets under his control.

The elders made the proposal as part of a compromise deal in which they accepted the sacking of Diyano by Deni.

The immediate former PSF boss had declined to leave office following his sacking mid last month sparking a stand between him and Deni igniting rifts within the force.

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