Tv-ga Norway oo baahiyay Caruur uyaacday Dhiiga Nin latoogtay

Sunday August 18, 2013 - 16:20:09 in Wararka by Xarunta Dhexe
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    Tv-ga Norway oo baahiyay Caruur uyaacday Dhiiga Nin latoogtay

    Tv-2-ga laga leeyahay Dalka NOrway ayaa waxa uu habeenki xalay sii daayay muuqaal laga duubay nin lagu magacaabo Aden Abdi Sheikh oo malinti shalay lagu toogtay magaalada Muqdisho kaasi oo lagu soo eedeeyay dilka wariye ka shaqeynayay idaacadaha muqd

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Tv-2-ga laga leeyahay Dalka NOrway ayaa waxa uu habeenki xalay sii daayay muuqaal laga duubay nin lagu magacaabo Aden Abdi Sheikh oo malinti shalay lagu toogtay magaalada Muqdisho kaasi oo lagu soo eedeeyay dilka wariye ka shaqeynayay idaacadaha muqdisho oo sanad kahor lagu dilay Muqdisho. Tv-ga ayaa sidoo kale soo daayay caruur ka ag dhawaa goobta dilka kadhacay oo u cararaya sida ee u arki lahaayeen dhiiga marxuumka la toogtay kadib marki meydka marxuumka halkaasi laga qaaday

Halkaan Hoose ka fiirso Warbixinta Tv-gaas kadiyaariyay dilki shalay

WAITING: Aden Abdi Sheikh was sentenced to death for killing a radio journalist in Somalia. Saturday he was executed.
WAITING: Aden Abdi Sheikh was sentenced to death for killing a radio journalist in Somalia.Saturday he was executed.Reuters

Fast Bound to a pole he waits only to be shot

Aden Sheikh Abdi was executed in the desert of Somalia Saturday.


ByMargaret Stakkestad

Aden Abdi Sheikh was sentenced to death for killing a radio journalist in Somalia last fall.

A spokesman for the government said that this is the first execution in a country where those who kill journalists often escape punishment.

Dangerous for Journalists

Somalia is one of the most dangerous places in the world to be a journalist.Just last year, 18 media staff killed, among them wasHassan Yusuf Absuge.

Absuge reporting of a suicide attack, and it must be why he was killed the next day. has previously told the Somali journalists who dared go in his murdered colleague's funeral, for fear of even being killed.

According to authorities, the radio journalist Hassan Yusuf Absuge shot three times in the head by masked assailants who ran from the area before police arrived.

- The right direction

Last month, Sheikh Aden Abdi was sentenced to death for murder.During the trial it emerged that he belongs to the Islamist group Al-Shabaab, the news agency AP.

Human rights groups have for years called on Somali authorities to do more to protect journalists and put an end to all journalist murders.

SHOT: Young boys ran to to see blood where Aden Sheikh Abdi was executed Saturday.SHOT: Young boys ran to to see blood where Aden Sheikh Abdi was executed Saturday.Reuters

The murders of media professionals often occurs in the area where the government has control, and that journalists regard as safe.They need to look constantly be aware of attacks by extremists and other criminals.

The trial against Abdi is the first in which the authorities have been strongly committed to finding perpetrator.

- This is a step in the right direction to end the journalist killings are not prosecuted, says Tom Rhoes, consultant to the Committee to Protect Journalists.

He hopes Saturday's execution gives a clear signal that the killings of journalists will have consequences.

Akhrise hoos kadhiibo fikirkaaga

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